SOLAMIN® - Herbal extract for sickle-cell anaemia
- Solamin is Confirmed safe and non-toxic
- Confirmed to contain anti-sickling properties
- ≥ 90% Sickling Prevention and ≥ 70% Sickling Reversal
- Enhances physical development of patients.
- Toxicological studies also revealed the innocuous of the herbal preparation
- NAFDAC Number: A7-1090L
SOLAMIN® is a herbal preparation with anti-sickling property reported to be effective in the management of sickle cell patients.
Results obtained in our studies showed that Solamin demonstrated sickling inhibition and sickling reversal activities when incubated with HbSS erythrocytes within the concentration range 0.25mg/ml – 0.5mg/ml. Average or percentage sickling inhibition of 89.56 – 97.95% was obtained using extracts concentration of 0.25mg/ml – 5.0mg/ml, whilst the same concentration range gave 63.82 – 84.00% sickling reversal. Study comparism of these values compared with negatives control showed statistically significant difference, p<0.01.
The Regional Workshop on Research and Development, Intellectual Property Rights and Biodiversity in Traditional Medicine – Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa November 2003 final report presented by Dr. Rose Thomas reads “Dr Rose Thomas, reported on research and development of Solamin by Esoma Herbal Research Institute, based in Abuja – Nigeria. SOLAMIN was formulated using two medicinal plants which are different from the plants used for Niprisan. Acute toxicity showed that SOLAMIN was practically safe with LD50 of >2g/kg p.o in rats.
Pilot clinical trial has been done using 30 children and 42 adult sickle-cell disorder patients for two years, showing that it reduced the incidence of crises profoundly in all the volunteers. Furthermore, hospital visitation and absenteeism from school and work were significantly reduced.”
Clinical Evaluation of Solamin; an Herbal Preparation for Anti-sickling Properties:
Clinical studies on the anti-sickling properties of Solamin have been carried out. Solamin is a honey-based herbal product comprising about three plant materials. Phytochemical investigation of the herbal preparation revealed the presence of the secondary metabolites of the groups: saponins, steroidal glycosides, anthraquinone glycosides, alkaloids. Phenolics were not confirmed
The sickle cell group at the Departments of Medicinal Chemistry, Internal Medicine and Paediatrics, University of Lagos, have been involved in a focused – screening and bioassay of a series of plants materials, marine-based extracts and environment species hoping that these extracts and isolates would serve as leads in the quest to discovering the potent anti-sickling remedies that would enable our unfortunate brothers suffering from sickle cell disorders live a normal and more productive lives.
The in-vitro technique adopted in the screening exercise was based on the stimulation of major in-vivo sickling-precipitating factor (that is, reduction of oxygen tension), using sodium metabisulphites as a physiologically acceptable reducing agent. The use of crythrocyte suspension instead of whole blood was particularly essential in ruling out the possibility of interactions of plasma components and products of their several immunological reactions with the red blood cells and certain metabolic co-factors in general. Such interactions could significantly affect the shape and size of red blood cells, and in the process inadvertently produce false negative or false positive results. However, removal of the plasma also means removal of ions and nutrients essential for the maintenance of the integrity of ion channels like the Ca2+ – dependent K+ channel (also known as Gardos channel) and K+ – CL- co-transport channel – both of which have been associated with the dehydration that precedes andmedium whose formulation is as described by Acquaye et al.
Osmotic fragility was originally a clinical diagnostic test for Spherocytosis or congenital haemolytic icterus. It gradually metamorphosed into a research tool used in monitoring the haemolytic effects of some diseases like malaria. Today, it has been greatly modified to study the haemolytic tendencies of chemical agents, drugs inclusive, and toxins.
Chemical agents induced lysis of red blood cells by modifying their membrane permeability. This they do either via peroxidation of the unsaturated bonds of lipid molecules of the membrane lipid bilayer or via interference with the normal functioning of membrane integral proteins (ion channels in particular) associated with regulation of electrolyte and fluid movements across the membrane. In both cases, there is a sub-haemolytic increase in size and fragility of the red blood cells. Osmotic fragility measurements, therefore, are adequate for evaluating haemolytic tendencies of chemical agents and xenobiotics.
The most common and widely used quantitative measure of Osmotic fragility is the Median Corpuscular Fragility (MCF), obtained by extrapolation on the Osmofragiligraph as the saline concentration at which 50% haemolysis is produced. The MCF was used in this study to quantify Osmotic fragility and hence as a measure of haemolytic tendencies of the various extract concentrations of Solamin: Increase in MCF relative to that of the negative control meant increase in Osmotic fragility and hence an increase in the haemolytic tendency of the respective extract concentration relative of the negative control.
The average MCF of 0.409% ± 0.01 obtained for the HbSS blood samples treated with the negative control (that is, no extract) falls within the 0.40 – 0.42% normal range for an HbAA blood, though HbSS blood is expected to have a lower MCF value because of associated dehydration. The result is, however, possible as there might not be any dehydration at all in HbSS erythrocytes used because dehydration itself depends on the donor’s physiological condition. This is corroborated by the fact that none of the donor’s was under crisis, neither was any of them known to have suffered any crisis in the recent past.
The average MCF obtained with each of the herbal concentrations (0.25mg/ml : 0.402%; 1mg/ml : 0.390%; 2mg/ml : 0.40%; 3mg/ml : 0.42%; 4mg/ml : 0.410%; 5mg/ml : 2%); was not statistically significantly different from that of the negative control. This indicated that there was no increase in fragility of the HbSS erythrocytes following incubation with the 0.25 – 5mg/ml Solamin extract.
Solamin toxicological studies also revealed the innocuous nature of the herbal preparation.APPLICATIONS ON HUMANS
Application on humans, the following were observed:
- Sickle Cell Crisis was totally eliminated
- Enhanced physical development with total elimination of fragile nature of patients.
- Dries up Leg Ulcer
- Found to be very safe for consumption (no negative reaction even after years of intake)
SOLAMIN is useful in the management of the following conditions:
- Sickle Cell Anaemia
- Arthritic pains
- Inflammation of the joints
- Under 4 years -- 2.5ml every 12 hours
- 4 - 7 years ------- 5ml every 12hours
- 8 - 14 years ------10ml every 12hours
- 15years and above -- 20ml every 12hours
(Dosage could be reduced by 50% after intake of Solamin for at least 2 months).
The products is contra indicated in patients with chronic Renal failure
No serious side effects have been reported with the oral use of SOLAMIN. The product is apparently safe and innocuous.