Herbal extract for management of immuno-compromised patients and general immune boosting.

ESOMARON® - Herbal extract for management of immuno-compromised patients and general immune boosting.

  1. The product is safe and innocuous.
  2. It is useful in the management of Viral infections, Respiratory infections, and Skin diseases
  3. No toxicity cases have been reported with the oral use of ESOMARON
  4. NAFDAC Number: A7-1089L

ESOMARON®is a herbal immunomodulator with apparent beneficial effects in the management of immuno-compromised patients and general immune boosting. The presence of Andrographolide in Esomaron is confirmed. It has been demonstrated that Andrographolide modifies the cellular signal transduction pathway of viral, bacterial and parasitic infection. Andrographolide has been confirmed and recommended as a potent stimulator of the immune system.

ESOMARON is formulated from indigenous plants comprising Andrographolide. Andrographolide is confirmed to be capable of eliminating, amongst others, viral infections from the body system and also penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

ESOMARON enhances the immune system; it releases interferon, and activity of the lymph system. Interferon is a protein (called cytokine) made by cells in response to viruses. It is a potent anti-viral agent and also anti-proliferative (stops growth of viruses).

Pilot Clinical trial on Esomaron:

A pilot clinical trial was undertaken using ESOMARON in 2001 at Federal Medical Centre, Makurdi- Nigeria. It was an open prospective study involving 10 people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWA; 5 males and 5 females). The duration of the clinical trial was 6 months. It was observed that opportunistic infections associated with HIV/AIDS were resolved after using the product for three months. Furthermore, the quality of life of all the trial subjects improved significantly. In addition, five trial subjects who were confirmed cases before therapy apparently had low levels of HIV after treatment that they were below detectable range.” (Results as obtained from Federal Government of Nigeria, through NIPRID, Idu, Abuja).

ESOMARON trial on the management of people living with HIV/AIDS, therefore were confirmed to:


Acute toxicological evaluation on Esomaron by Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development (NIPRD), P.M.B. 21, Garki – Abuja, Nigeria between July 28-August 13, 2004 confirmed:

The acute toxicological evaluation of Esomaron was successfully carried out. According to Lorke (1983), LD50 values of substances greater than 1000mg/kg could be considered safe for all practical purposes. But for herbal preparation in liquid form already, the limit dose level could be considered to be about 10ml/kg. Hence judging by the high LD50 values obtained for Esomaron , the drug could be said to be acutely non-toxic to the experimental animals used in the study.



ESOMARON may be useful in the management of the following disease conditions.


(Dosage could be increased to 6 hourly where need be).


No toxicity cases have been reported with the oral use of ESOMARON. The product is safe and innocuous


Syrup (200ML) N3,000
Capsulated (50/bottle) N7,000